Monday, July 24, 2006


For anybody who's been taken aback by the sudden swerve into pedophilia town in the "Fogelberg Time" section of Episode 2 of Blowback, the creepiness of this Barbie clip will come as no surprise. Jim has claimed that the Barbie skit represented an embryonic phase of our allegorical joking about children's briefs, but the truth is young people all over the globe have always wanted to joke about dangerous stuff. Recently we realized that just offending and testing boundaries without complex, chunky backup puts us in teenager/Sarah Silverman land Sarah Silverman land = bursting the bubble of joke taboos or political correctness without remembering the conditions under which that protective bubble inflated (actual kids getting "de-briefed"). This eureka jibed well with our instinct to over-explain everything; so here it goes:

Some people wonder why we're making libelous cracks (saying Pete Coors diddleshitted around, etc) about the "touchy" topic of feeling kids: Well we're identifying the bad guys (politicians of the right) with sexual predators in order to highlight the behavioral link between pederasty and fascism. One lofty allusion: Donald Sutherland's Attila in Bertolucci's Novocento . Bertolucci makes this link in his films more than once...maybe in The Conformist too- I could be wrong, "reverse West and East, you get what I'm saying though. Oh man, it's even worse than before", I just ruined a good attempt at shoring up stuff with a in-joke: two quotes from Blowback: Season 1 dialog .......

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