Monday, July 31, 2006

Don’t steal this to make a real TV show! If you want to produce it and have the cash, give me a call!
Ok, here we go:
Early in the Iraq War

As American governmental hubris rises to new levels, humorous humiliation of other countries comes into vogue. Defense Department guys find this tactic especially appealing as a blackmail tool to shore up our “terror-fighting coalition.”

An intercepted memo: Rumsfeld to boyfriend, Re: The Polish:

[Of course Rummy, in blunt-headed way, lets famous stereotypes shape his expectations of peoples]
memo reads: "We’re just going to fly those Poles to Nevada and tell them its Iraq, outfit them with super-soakers and dumb-looking gear, and make a TV show about it."

The Polish lovably fill their gullible role, rationalizing every artifact and revealing American detail they come across:

Pole #1 to Pole #2, after passing a small strip mall with a 7-11 and an In-N-Out burger joint: “Well I guess the Americans have had some real success here. Though who would’ve guessed In-N-Out would’ve gotten here before the Big Two, McDonald’s and Burger King.”

Pole #2: “No-bid contract. In-N-Out is how the invasion was supposed to go”

Pole # 3: “Let’s hurry up and get to the celebration place!”

With the help of Walden Media, the Defense Department develops the show and holds it over Poland’s blonde head until they commit more troops:
“This stuff won’t air as long as you guys give us a few more pop-gun battalions. And you guys have to be the ones giving wedgies and Indian burns to detainees in our secret prisons, and tell everybody it was your own damn idea if it gets out.”

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