Wednesday, August 23, 2006

RIP SPINOFF CITY used to have a page called Serioustown, where cold, laughless stuff lived.

But since one of FILO's main agendas is the healing of the division between hot (funny, earthy, loose), and cold (sharp, serious, grown-up) expression, Serioustown became incorporated into Spinoff City. It was supposed to be a place where anything not so strictly FILO lived.

Maybe these things were there:

"HAND CRAFTED DRIFTWOOD FURNITURE and ORGANIC EGGPLANT jim grows in his garden next to the gypsum factory that never shuts down...

After you make yourself crazy bidding on an eggplant, you will wait for it to arrive. It will arrive packaged in a personified way, like a stout young man, the defensive lineman cousin of a California Raisin. "

The problem with Spinoff City was this:
If the FILO mission of reconciling poles of expression was to succeed, and it's tendency to swallow any output by Luke or pals as part of FILO, through easy leaps of self-reflexive justification, was to continue, Spinoff City would become irrelevant: everything will be FILO; nothing spun off, and things truly exterior could just be on the Lynx page.

Spinoff City. It started pretty skimpy. It ended all wimpy.

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