Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I wanna play Rummy in raquetball
I wanna slam his tummy with the hard black ball
As his sweats get scummy he don’t wash ‘em all
Gives me the slacks to sniff
Later all alone.

The NY Times story about Don’s squash dominance finally let’s us complete the scene of the tough-guy gay play his ball-shaving personality has always suggested. He does this stuff. He’s no-nonsense. Like the ceremonial, sacred homo-play that goes down in the locker room or football camp and is “ok” because its encapsulated in sports chumminess (fanny slap) or hazing (surprise pretzel stick up rectum – true football camp tale!), his act is see-through eroticism but somehow unremarkable.

For people who can’t guess I love homos, I’ll say it now. If actually adjusted, relaxed gay men ran government this would be a real Republic. I’m just saying Don’s familiar jock repression is no good, not nice; his policy plays out the personal in bloody bad ways.

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